writing samples

email | social media | PR

it me


While at R.J. Conlin I worked as part of iHub, the innovation hub inside GM. While there I produced content for their website as well as for internal social media channels. The following is an email blast for a proposed rebrand.

iHub Sample

R.J. Conlin Marketing & Design

I've taken on a number of freelance projects for R.J. Conlin, including this flyer for Triton Stormwater Solutions.

Triton Sample

Shinola Detroit

Sample piece for Shinola to show my ability writing for different content styles. I was tasked with writing a blog post, product description and Email Blast all while keeping the voice of the company in mind.

Shinola Sample

City Fitness Philadelphia

Here's a mockup of a Logan Square Member Signup Email for City Fitness, a gym chain in Philadelphia. Built in HTML/CSS for email.

City Fitness Email